On the 16 December Defined Wine organised an introduction to the internationally renowned Simonit & Sirch pruning methodology. 

Yotes Court Vineyard, Kent was the setting for the half day pruning workshop. Although Defined Wine have no vineyards of their own, they are always looking at how to support their clients and so organised for the team from Simonit & Sirch to visit from Italy to provide a bespoke training course. The complimentary pruning workshop was attended by 22 brands who Defined Wine make wine for showing how much clients appreciated the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of this technique. 

Head Winemaker Nick Lane became convinced of the merits of the Simonit & Sirch technique after visiting their academy in Friuli earlier in November and was keen to show people the importance of a long term pruning strategy. Nick explained: “Their pruning method aims to respect the flow of sap within the vine and thus results in greater vine health over a longer period of time.”

Simonit & Sirch are looking to become more active in the UK where they recognise the potential of the wine industry and believe their techniques are particularly relevant in cool climates. The half day session was carried out in the mature and picturesque vineyard of Yotes Court under a thick blanket of snow, with the first 90 minutes in the classroom and the next two hours in the vineyard. Simonit & Sirch offer comprehensive online courses and are running a three day course starting in January in partnership with Plumpton college.