Frosco is an environmentally harmless, relatively low cost aqueous foam which is simply sprayed on vines when frost is predicted and provides 10°C of protection in both directions.

Since the game-changing product was revealed in the August issue of Vineyard magazine, inventor George Klat, himself a grower, has been getting everything in place for an ambitious worldwide launch in February.

Patents for the EU and the UK should be confirmed shortly, a massive field trial in Switzerland is expected to confirm Frosco’s impressive results and George is looking to open up new opportunities after teaming up with global business development partner Shrikant Ramakrishnan.

Shrikant, a guest lecturer in global sustainability in universities in Singapore, Hong Kong, Sweden, India and the United Arab Emirates, will be looking for partners, as well as customers, across Europe and beyond.

Frosco Ltd hopes to work with governments in less-developed countries to offer the product at cost price to poorer farmers while also targeting high value crops such as coffee, exotic flowers and saffron. “Frosco has applications well beyond vineyards, and because the thermal protection works in both directions it can be used to defend valuable crops against excessive heat as well as cold,” explained George.

To maximise the impact of Frosco worldwide, Shrikant will also be looking to partner with universities in different areas to promote research into the optimum use of the formula to protect different crops in different parts of the world.

“We hope to be working in places like India, Vietnam, Myanmar, the African continent and Malta, helping to bring social value by protecting people’s livelihoods using Froscco,” explained Shrikant.

“Frosco doesn’t just protect crops from the damage caused by extreme temperatures,”. “It does so in a completely environmentally friendly way, reducing the need to use hazardous chemicals and cutting the cost of inputs.”

It has taken George the best part of seven years to develop the harmless aqueous foam, working with molecular engineering scientists at Imperial College London. Described as having “a quantum effect”, Frosco also acts as a fungicide and pest barrier.

George was inspired by noting that snow had a “perhaps counter-intuitive” benefit on overwintering root crops by trapping air within its crystalline structure, insulating the crop and keeping the ground above freezing.

“Frosco works in a similar way,” he explained. “It is applied by a lance or overvine sprayer, and when the temperature hits zero, the outer shell freezes, trapping air in the thousands of tiny pockets created and insulating the crop. The formulation stays intact until the next day, when it can be washed off with water to allow insects to continue pollination.”

With fine-tuning now well underway, George and his team have been using a Lipco sprayer to good effect, with an air induction nozzle proving the best option. February’s side by side trial, being carried out by a co-operative representing 10,000 Swiss farmers, is expected to launch the product into Europe in style.

“The product is ready, we have refined the application method and we are finalising the optimum quantities for vineyards,” explained Shrikant. “It’s all systems go for 2024.”

Frosco is being manufactured by Vickers Laboratories Ltd in West Yorkshire and will be sold in ten times concentrated form, either in 20 litre drums or 1000 litre IBC containers.

The product has also won the backing of one of the most respected vineyard management companies in the industry, with the UK distribution rights in the hands of Vinecare UK. 

Vinecare UK’s Paul Woodrow-Hill, who has worked closely with vines, growers and winemakers since 1987, has watched the development of Frosco and is in no doubt that it will be, in his words, “an absolute gamechanger”.

George is happy to talk to growers about his product on 07484 320344 or via email at