With a new improved formula, Garlic Barrier Pruning Paint from Solufeed, gives protection vines after pruning.
An open wound unless sealed is an easy site for entry of spores causing such damaging diseases as fungal diseases (Diplodia seriata and Phaeomoniella chlamdospore) in vines.
While infection risk can be minimised by good pruning technique and hygiene one of the most effective preventative measures is a pruning paint to cover the wound.
Approved by the Soil Association and manufactured by Solufeed, Garlic Barrier Pruning Paint is an organic wound and grafting sealer.
It is based upon freshly crushed garlic extract blended with other natural products including a food grade blue/green dye that indicates where the wound has been treated.
As soon as possible after pruning apply the garlic paint with a brush, it is safe and easy to use, compatible with IPM systems and totally odourless soon after application.
Garlic Barrier Pruning Paint is available as a 250ml bottle with built in applicator brush or in 5-litre containers for the professional grower, either direct from Solufeed or an approved distributor.